
The Three Foundations of Our Work with You

We believe that three areas should be a part of the process of any truly extraordinary health insurance and risk management brokerage. Let’s talk about that a little bit.

The Foundation
Every single day we make it a point to learn something new about health insurance and healthcare. Some of this learning is an active effort on our part, some of the learning happens by helping clients or getting feedback from them, seeing how certain health insurance plans work in the real world, and which ways help you to truly protect yourself, your family or employees. Don’t underestimate the knowledge necessary to choose the right health insurance. It’s more than just the amount of premiums, copays or deductibles that can make all the difference.
How We Work with You
A very important part of any time we work with clients is making sure you understand your insurance, network, and plan design, but also how to act in specific situations and how we can be a resource in those moments. We don’t want you to buy the cat in a box but would rather have you know why you make one choice versus the other or why a specific plan design might be the best for you. Coming out of this process with the thought that you learned just a little more is one of our goals.
We'll Stick with You
One of the things that I have observed a lot in the insurance business is that agents would sell the coverage and move on to the next sale, never to be seen again. We want to be a firm that is always here and willing to help. Ask our clients, they will tell you that it’s not just an empty phrase but the very way we do business.
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There’s More

to Health & Wealth

Protection is our game, creating your wealth the goal.

Kindness, honesty, and patience are terms many people don’t connect with the healthcare industry anymore but they are the words that guide us in our work with our clients. Our goal is to have health insurance serve YOU rather than you serving IT with your premium payments. We are not just insurance brokers, we are partners, coaches, and advocates for you. There is a reason why most clients stick with us and never look back after they had their first meeting with us. We know health insurance like few others and we know how health insurance can become your strength, not just another expense. Our approach is very different from everybody else out there and that is exactly why you will never feel like you are talking to a salesperson but somebody who actually cares to give you the full truth, no matter what. Our goal is to protect your health, your money, and your loved ones’ future. Our process makes finding the right health insurance simple and our work will leave you armed with more knowledge than you had before; to deal with health insurance carriers, providers, and networks. But all of this is done in the scope of helping you protect your financial resources for now and the future, and maybe even make use of strategies that can add to your wealth.

Contact us today and get the premium service you deserve!

More areas we are specialized in can be seen below.

Health Insurance
Individual & Group
Many people do not know all the options they truly have when it comes to health insurance. Truly understanding your situation we will design plans for you that will give you the best value for your money and keep you protected, while adding as many benefits as possible.
Supplemental Insurance
The Force Multiplier
So many of our clients ho have seen the worst of situations have paid the least. How is that possible? If you have made the right decision in regards to supplemental insurance. Accident? No problem? Critical Illness? You are taken care of! Hospitalization? You pay nothing, not even your deductible. These cases are not the exemption, they can be the rule.
Disability Insurance
Income When Needed
The most valuable asset you have is YOU! Yes, it’s you! Having something happen to you and not being able to go back to work is the biggest problem anyone can have. What would you do if your income stopped tomorrow? Don’t let it happen! Let’s talk about disability income!
Long-Term Care
Protect Your Wealth
You wouldn’t believe how many times we have seen people who lost all their retirement savings and the freedom that comes along with it because a long-term care incident took it all away. And running out of money then also often means that people lose a bit of their dignity. If you are between 45 and 60 years old, you can’t afford to not look into this insurance.

The reason why we do our job. Every happy client that is now more protected. Below are some of them.


Healthcare and risk management are big topics and learning new aspects of both can make all the difference for you. That’s why we wish to provide regular articles or videos to give you resources as a reference and a collection of tips and tricks.

Understanding Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) Health Insurance Plans: How They Can Help You Meet Your Health Care Needs at an Affordable Cost

What are MEC health insurance plans? How do they differ from other plans? Are they guaranteed issue and eligible for subsidies? Learn about Minimum Essential Coverage plans, their key features and how they can help you meet your healthcare needs at an affordable cost.

Health Insurance in Arizona: Find the Best Plan for Your Needs

Health insurance in Arizona can be confusing, but it is important to choose a plan that fits your specific needs and budget. Consider the type of coverage you need, compare different plans, check that your preferred doctors and hospitals are within the network, and consider the deductible and out-of-pocket maximums. Make an informed decision and choose a plan that meets your needs with these tips in mind.

Why Work with a Health Insurance Broker When Searching for Coverage?

Are you trying to find the right health insurance plan? A health insurance broker can help. These professionals are experts in the field of health insurance and can provide you with valuable guidance as you search for coverage. Here are the top reasons to consider working with a health insurance broker:

Problem solution concept. The folded white puzzles elements with empty place labeled PROBLEM and one red puzzle with word SOLUTION. 3D Illustration

As so often, the health insurance market place doesn’t make things easy for insurance buyers. After Bright Healthcare has exited the marketplace for individual plans pretty much entirely just recently,


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Our Main Phone Number: (877) 333-7234‬

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